
Wee Goebbels From Twitter Strikes Again
Posted by Tom Naughton in Media Nonsense, PoliticsYeah, I’m suspended from Twitter again. Wee Goebbels once again declared that I’m “spreading misinformation” about COVID. Here’s the tweet, which consists of publicly available facts and screen caps from news articles. That’s what qualifies as “misinformation” to Wee Goebbels.
Someone needs to take Wee Goebbels outside and beat some sense into him.
This whole cancel culture, censorship thing is getting out of hand. It’s hard to believe that so-called freedom-loving Americans are letting this stuff happen.
What can we do? How can we stop this?
It’s waaaay out of hand. I’m not sure we can stop it, and I don’t see this ending well. I don’t recall any examples from history where censoring people with opposing views led to a better society and the censors turned out to be the good guys.
Maybe if Wee Goebbels loses a few billion-dollar lawsuits, that would help.
Suspended on Twitter? At least I am in good company!
As Mark Twain said, I’ll take heaven for the surroundings, but hell for the company.
I thought it got quiet again. They have marked more of the tweets violations, such as one with the graph. This is insane.
It is. Honestly, I don’t know how Little Goebbels looks at a graph of publicly available data and labels it “misinformation” without feeling like a complete tool.
It’s not much:
If I click the link, I’m immediately redirected the page tell me my account is suspended unless I delete my tweet.
Hilarious. It will work if you logout of the twit-show. In any case, here is the text:
Another suspension of
@TomDNaughton. Tweets labeled as a violation of policy include a graph from an article of data sourced from Johns Hopkins.
To borrow from Inigo Montoya: Twitter, you keep using that word “misinformation”. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Love it, but of course Wee Goebbels doesn’t care if it’s actually misinformation or not.
R W Malone (mRNA dev guy) just posted the same graph.
Boom, he’ll be gone.
Martin Kulldorff also posted it. I think Wee Goebbels has taken a special interest in you. It would hardly be the first time there was selective enforcement of things that should never be enforced to begin with.
I feel special.
You are special ๐