Wee Goebbels Hired A Team To Decide Facts Are “Misinformation”
Posted by Tom Naughton in Media Nonsense, PoliticsI knew appealing Wee Goebbels’ decision to suspend my Twitter account was pointless, but I did it anyway. Here’s the response:
So apparently Wee Goebbels had an entire support team look over my tweet, and (as a group, mind you) they decided that less than one COVID death per million per day is “misinformation,” even though I included the chart showing that the U.S. at the time of the tweet was reporting 0.82 deaths per million per day.
Boy, those must be interesting conversations in the Wee Goebbels meeting room.
“Okay, comrades, next appeal to review. We suspended this account because the account holder claimed there is less than one COVID death per million per day.”
“Is there any way we can check the veracity of that claim, Lord Goebbels?”
“Well, he included a screen cap of publicly available data showing a 7-day average of 0.82 deaths per million per day.”
“But 0.82 is much larger than 1.0, isn’t it, Lord Goebbels?”
“It is if I say it is.”
“Well then, Lord Goebbels, we agree with you. He’s clearly spreading misinformation.”
And so it goes in Twitter Land, where facts are “misinformation” if Wee Goebbels doesn’t like what the facts say. Welcome to Amerika.
Great they do not feel it necessary to be specific in the response about what exactly was misleading. Perhaps they have a strong feeling there *are* bigger chicken-shit weenies as they look around their meeting room.
Apparently you can post the graph but you cannot refer to numbers on it Wee Goebbels does not like.
John Stossel recently had a video on the climate censored by Facebook for spreading “misinformation.” When he asked which facts in the video were incorrect, Facebook replied (rather than ignore him, since he’s got a national audience):
The problem is the omission of contextual information rather than specific ‘facts’ being ‘wrong.’
How’s that for perfect postmodernist gobbledygook?
Everything you said is factually correct, but we don’t like what you’re saying, so we’ll announce that you omitted contextual information as justification to label what you said as “misinformation” and censor you.
Goebbels would approve.
I see. If you make a case against preferred opinions, you must show your case loses or they will censor you. Un-American, unscientific, and just plain evil.
I know youre on Gab. But perhaps its time to consider a serious migration to there.
Probably only a matter of time before Twitter permanently suspends you.
I’m working on my permanent suspension.
But 0.82 is much larger than 1.0, isn’t it, Lord Goebbels?”
“It is if I say it is.”
“Well then, Lord Goebbels, we agree with you. He’s clearly spreading misinformation.”
Put me down for splunge too
I’m glad to have your voice back in the fray, Tom.
I quit Twitter on what we call The Night of the Long Knives, January 8, when they shut down the account of the President of the United States. That night they also removed hundreds of conservative accounts, and FaceBook removed the WalkAway Campaign account, thus disappearing its more than half a million individual testimonials written by people who left the Democratic Party.
Every day now I check Gab, which so far is secure, and on which President Trump posts regularly. It’s a good source of direct, unfiltered news from the people who are making the news.
Are you on Gab? Please consider doing so if you’re not yet.
I’m on Gab, but not yet in the habit of going there regularly.